Descriptor CodeProcedure TitleProcedure PDF
5.200.2pResignations and Rehire Eligibity 6
6.142.3pSchool Supplied Opioid Antagonists (i.e. Narcan)6
6.200.1pQuarantined Students6
6.200.2pMedical Exemption to Compulsory Attendance6
6.203.1pRecord of Birth6
6.203.2pProof of Residence6
6.203.3pEntrance Requirements Including Immunizations and School Physicals6
6.205.1pSection 504 Evaluations & Eligibility6
6.205.2pSection 504 Grievances & Due Process6
6.304.1pReporting and Investigating Bullying, Cyber Bullying, Harassment, Discrimination, Intimidation, and 6
6.308.1pBus Safety - Video Review Procedure6
6.312.1pStudent Personal Electronic Devices6
6.317.1pDue Process Student Discipline6
6.317.2pFirst Time Behavior Support Program6
6.400.1pAnimals in Schools6
6.400.2pPrivate Practitioners6
6.400.3pTransportation of Students to Medical Facilities6
6.400.4pDiabetic Care in Schools6
6.400.5pBlood Drives6
6.400.6pDisease, Head Lice and Illness Related Procedures6
6.400.7pSchool Nurse Program, Fieldtrips and Related6
6.404.1pAcquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome6
6.405.1pAdministration of Medication and/or Assisted Self-Medication in School6
6.405.2pPancreatic Enzyme Therapy6
6.405.3pAdrenal Crisis Response Plan and Use of Volunteer Staff6
6.4051.1pSeizure Response Plan6
6.412.1pSevere Allergies6
6.412.2pSchool Supplied Epinephrine Auto-Injectors6
6.500.1pRestraint and Isolation6
6.503.10pTraining of District Staff Related to Homeless Students6
6.503.11pCoordination of Services for Homeless Students6
6.503.12pPreschool for Homeless Students6
6.503.13pPrivacy of Records for Homeless Students6
6.503.1pIdentification of Homeless Students6
6.503.2pEnrollment of Homeless Students6
6.503.3pSchool Placement of Homeless Students6
6.503.4pAwarding Appropriate Credit to Homeless Students6
6.503.5pSchool of Origin Transportationfor Homeless Students6
6.503.6pServices for Homeless Students6
6.503.7pMcKinney-Vento Dispute Resolution6
6.503.8pFree Meals for Homeless Students6
6.503.9pTitle I Services for Homeless Students6
6.504.1pOccupational Survey6
6.505.1pFoster Care Transportation6
6.600.1pPublic Data Sharing 6
6.600.2pConfidentiality- Special Education Records6
6.600.3pStudent Cumulative Records6
6.602.1pAmendments to Student Records6